Rent a Girlfriend Trial Deck+

Rent a Girlfriend Trial Deck+

$ 25.00

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SIGN CARDSEvery deck you purchase has a chance to contain a
Sign card!◆ Sora Amamiya as Chizuru Mizuhara ◆


The cards in this Trial Deck+ may be used together with cards which have their card number beginning with 「KNK/」!

19 types of cards + 6 parallels
50 cards per deck, 6 decks per display
8 displays per carton

Parallel cards are randomly sealed into decks!
Every deck contains 2 shiny cards!

In addition, every deck you purchase has a chance to contain one of the following!

[RRR] Rare cards with special embossing (3 types)
[SP] Sign card of voice cast (1 type)

Información adicional

Peso 0.3 kg
Dimensiones 7.4 × 9.5 × 14.3 cm
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