Galarian Rapidash VBox


Galarian Rapidash VBox

$ 27.00

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Galarian Rapidash V is known for the devastating Psychic-type attacks it sends out from its long, spiraling horn—and now that power can be yours! Alongside a playable foil promo card featuring this pretty pastel Pokémon, plus an oversize card suitable for display, you’ll find extra treasures in a handful of Pokémon TCG booster packs. Chase down this forest beauty with the Pokémon TCG: Galarian Rapidash V Box!

The Pokémon TCG: Galarian Rapidash V Box includes:

  • 1 foil promo card featuring Galarian Rapidash V
  • 1 foil oversize card featuring Galarian Rapidash V
  • 4 Pokémon TCG booster packs
  • A code card for the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online

Información adicional

Peso 0.454 kg
Dimensiones 9.3 × 8.2 × 14.8 cm

English, Español

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